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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What do Not a Care in the World do?

We offer resilience training sessions for organisations and community groups who work with carers. We focus on 4 strands

  • Self-care

  • Communication

  • Creativity

  • Confidence

Within these 4 strands, we have different workshops which can be booked as stand-alone sessions or as a series. For example, you may decide to book Your Stuff-My Stuff as a one-off session or as a series which takes place over a number of weeks. Booking a series of workshops offers a more in-depth exploration around particular topics but the one-off sessions are great for trying out something new!


You can also book a package of sessions which contain multiple workshops. For example, you may decide to book 5 sessions including workshops from each strand. We also offer bespoke training sessions and sessions specifically for staff.

Q. How long is a training session?


We suggest a minimum length of 90 minutes, but we also offer 60 minutes and 120 minutes for online workshops. For in-person workshops, we offer half days and full days. Please get in contact for more information.

Q. How much do the training sessions cost?

For online sessions, please refer to our brochure which you can find here. These prices are for charitable organisations and community groups. For in-person sessions, please get in contact for a quote. If you a corporate company, please get in touch for our corporate rates.

Q. Do you offer discounts for charities?


The rates in our brochure are priced for charities. We believe these rates reflect the high standard of our training sessions which are ran by professionals with many years of experience. Please note that we offer discounts for block bookings.

Q. How do I book a training session(s)?


Please fill in the booking form which can be found here. One of our trainers will get back in contact with you.

Q. Can I cancel a booking once a contract has been signed?


Our cancellation policy is as follows:

  • To cancel less than 48 hours prior to workshop date is full cost.

  • To cancel between 48 hours and 2 weeks prior to workshop date is two thirds of workshop cost (66%).

  • To cancel between 2 weeks and 4 weeks prior to workshop date is one half of workshop cost (50%).

  • To cancel before 4 weeks prior to workshop date is one third of workshop cost

We can reschedule a booking with 1 month’s notice.

Q. Are the training sessions online or in person?


Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we have been running our training sessions virtually, mainly through Zoom. With restrictions lifting, we are starting to offer our training in-person to organisations located in London and the South East. If you are located outside of these areas, you will need to pay for travel costs. Please note that some in-person training sessions many incur additional costs due to equipment transportation and set up times. We will still continue to offer our training sessions online.

Q. Can I book more than one type of training session and does the discount still apply in this instance?


Absolutely! You can book a package of training sessions and choose which workshops you would like to do. For example, you may decide to book 5 training sessions which include workshops from each strand. The discounts still apply.

Q. Do you provide pre-session content?


We can provide blurbs, logos and trainer information to organisations upon request. Other pre-session content will incur an additional fee. Please note we have free resources available on our website for anyone who subscribes to our mailing list. This can be found here.

Q. I’m an unpaid carer. How can I get involved with Not a Care in the World’s work?


We occasionally run online events that carers can book onto without going through their organisation. These will either be free or pay what you can. Join our mailing list to keep up to date with these events. If you are an unpaid carer who is part of an organisation, please do let them know about our work as they may be able to organise a training session for you and the other carers they work with. 

Q. Can I record an online session?


Sessions must only be recorded with the express permission of Not a Care in the World, the trainer and the participants. To ensure confidentiality, trust and a safe space, Not a Care in the World will not record a training session unless there is good reason to do so.

Q. I’m a carer who has signed up to one of your workshops through my organisation. I haven’t received any information about the training session. What should I do?


Please get in touch with your organisation in the first instance. Organisations are responsible for corresponding with participants and sending all information, including Zoom links, out to them.

Q. What platform do you use for hosting online workshops? Can we use our own platform to host?


We use Zoom to host our online training sessions (though we use Google Meets for Gongs and Sound Therapy). We either set up a Zoom on our account or use an organisation’s if our Zoom is unavailable. We are also happy to host on other platforms as long as functions such as screen and audio share are available.

Q. Do you provide feedback?


We can provide feedback to organisation upon request. We will also send out evaluation forms should you want to collate feedback. On occasion, we may ask participants to provide verbal feedback at the end of a training session or series which may be recorded. This is entirely voluntary.

If you have any other questions, please get in contact using the Contact Us form

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