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Booking Form

If you are interested in our workshops, which can all be adapted for online working, then this is how you go about booking in 5 easy steps.


You can also download our brochure here

To get a quote for a workshop please fill in the booking form or email us at


Choose one or more of the workshop packages. If you would like a bespoke package, we are happy to discuss this further. 


Find and check availability for a suitable space, either a hall or a large room free from obstruction.

If you would like an online workshop, please find an online platform that you would like to use such as Zoom. 


Identify a list of potential dates that the workshops could take place.


Complete the booking form. 


A Not a Care in the World trainer will be in touch to discuss and confirm your booking.

Please Note:

Your group should be no larger than 20 people, although 15 is an ideal number for active engagement. For some online workshops we can potentially increase this.

Booking Form
Choose your workshop(s)- Self Care

Please note, you will be automatically added to our mailing list once you have submitted this form. You can unsubscribe by emailing us at

Thanks for submitting!

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